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  • Cat food

    Hej! Sorry for English. I have recently brought my cat in Sweden and i am looking for new cat food for him whcih I can buy here. It is 3 years old castrated indoor male cat. Previously he ate våtfoder mainly but now I would like to start feeding him with torrfoder. The first advice I have got on your site is Sterilised 37, do you think it is a good idea or you can suggest something else? Another thing, is that he is stressed a lot after relocation and I don't want to put additional pressure on him, so perhaps I need to also give him våtfoder sometimes to make a transition smooth? Is it right idea to combine both types of food? In case it is OK, what can you recommend as våtfoder for him, is the following one is goog enough: Sterilised Våtfoder? Thank you for your help!

    Linnea svarer

    Hi! For a castrated indoor cat it is easy to gain weight. Therefore it´s good to feed him a low calorie torrfoder and/or våtfoder. Royal Canin Sterilised 37 torroder and våtfoder is good for your cat. I think a combination of våtfoder and torrfoder is best so you get him used to the dry food slowly. A more budget alternative is Bozita Indoor and Sterilised and Bozita wet food. I hope that answers your question! Kind regards
